Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Sleepover Time

 Husband is out of town this week, so we decided to have a sleepover in his absence. I think the fellas are still a little nervous to be sleeping away from home, so when we usually have a sleepover, they sleep on the couch. Then, they usually come into my room several times a night, asking if it's morning. SHEESH. So after the last time, they said that they wanted to try having a sleepover but sleeping in my bed with me. Oof, this definitely made me nervous, but I was willing to give it a try. So they came over after work, and we started our night of fun. We had burgers, s'more pies, and watched great movies. Then we finally went to bed. We all fit, snug as a bug. 

Sadly, directly after this picture, Epifanio started to have some struggles, and just wanted mommy to pick him up. After like, 15 minutes of listening to "mommy get me" we decided that would be the best idea. So off he went, and the three of us had a sleepover. Despite Darth snuggling up to men every chance he got, it actually went pretty well! Nobody woke up several times during the night, nobody was awake at 6:00 (the usual occurrence) and they all stayed in bed until like, 8:30! Glorious! We did it! 

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