Thursday, March 25, 2021

A Masked Baby

 With masks being so prevalent now, I'm realizing that its all Epifanio knows. Since he's been old enough to notice anything, he's only seen people in masks. He had a hard time in the past - when we would meet up during the first hard core shut-down, if I was in a mask and he didn't see my face first, he wouldn't know who I was at all. That was rough, but we got past it. Today we went to the Simply Mac to get my laptop fixed, and when we were inside, he kept pointing to our masks and nodded and pointing at himself. We asked if he wanted a mask, and he nodded. (He can't talk yet, but he can understand everything anyone says, and responds with a nod or a head shake) We put it on him, and he looked freaking adorable. 

He was having such a great time. Look at that little man. 

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