Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Familiar Gifts

 Y'all, I celebrated my birthday this last weekend, and it was a good time. I was given gifts from a friend, my sister, and a sister in law. Let's see if you can spot the similarities.

Much like the year where 4 people gave me the same cupcake cookbook, I was gifted 3 running medal holders. Reader, when this happened the second time I laughed, and when it happened the third, I cackled. So after a couple days, I finally finagled Husband into helping me put them up. 

So here are the first ones... 
And here is the third one ... 

And here is my whole running wall! I wish they all could have fit on the same wall, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. And now I'm ready for more medals! 

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