Saturday, September 7, 2019

Book Club Retreat!

As I've said recently, I've joined a book club. The book club turned 2 years old this month, and to celebrate, we did a retreat overnighter-type thing in Park City this weekend. Looks like I joined just in time haha. We headed up to Park City Friday night and after eating a dinner (split between either cafe rio or a Mediterranean restaurant here) we passed out gifts to each other, we had to bring a $5 gift for everyone, something that. you love. I handed out pink eye shadow, since I've become obsessed with it after watching the Beyonce: Homecoming documentary (Cannot recommend enough, everyone should watch). The gifts were all great - a turban towel to dry your hair, a toilet light to light up the toilet in the dark, socks, foot peel and face masks, chapstick, pictures, etc. We watched a movie that was based on one of the books we read, and of course only got about 4 hours of sleep that night. It was such a fun night, so here are some fun pics to enjoy. 

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