Tuesday, February 26, 2019


In my documentary class, for the final project we could either choose a paper or a creative project. Because I hate papers more than life itself, I chose a creative project. After thinking about it for a while, I chose to do a collage. The movie I have to do mine on is called Shooting the Mafia, about a women who took photos of Mafia members (after death usually) back in the 60's/70's. I didn't really care for the movie, but that's all right, it had interesting moments. So for my collage, I took blocks that spelled MAFIA, and then collaged the actual photos she had taken back then onto it. Then for dramatic effect, I did a blood splatter with paint onto the photos. Here's the final product 
I think it ended up awesome! And I'm glad to be done with the class haha. 

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