Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year, New Me

Happy New Year, everyone! I thought I would do my breakdown of last years goals, and talk about next year.

  • This year, I ran 1541.4 miles! That's an increase from last year, good work team. 
  • My goal last year was to read 15 books (which is pretty good when you don't count my school work that I have to read. I actually read........11 books! Which is not that bad! A couple of them were over 800 pages, and that just takes a lot, so I feel like those should count as double. Maybe not. But I will keep my same goal of 15 this year, let's see where I land. 
I think those were my only goals, running every day (which I did! The streak lives on)

So, for next year. Goal of running every day is still here, let's keep this streak going for another year! My goal of reading 15 books is still here. 
I have a goal of graduating college - let's finish strong!
Honestly that's it. I also have a goal for food - how cliche. But I am going to stop eating processed sugar in the upcoming year, I'm going to eat healthier. So let's check in periodically, and see how this year goes. 
Good luck with any goals you may have this next year!

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