Monday, December 12, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

It's here. The week of finals. I had my first one today, my calculus final. Did I do well? Time will tell. We don't learn our grades until the 22nd, and I feel like it'll be a really hard waiting period! I'll try and distract myself until then. Luckily, I only have 3 finals to take. I have taken one already, and then one of my double-finals was cancelled, so I only have to take one final for this class instead of two. I'm remaining very positive about things, and hoping for the best.

Last night, there was a giant long power outage here. It started at 5:00 - right as we were starting to prepare dinner. Literally, we had just cut up all the veggies, and just put the pot of water on the stove when BOOM it went out. Tiny Darth screamed like a girl when they went out, and had to be comforted, but he was fine. I called the power company who told me that it would be out until 8:30, oy! We tried to stay busy and entertained, but man, it got boring after a while with the kiddos. Then we got a call near 8:00 saying it would be back on at 11:30! Gah! Finally, near 9:30, we just went to bed because we were bored. Then...right as we were going to sleep...the power came back on. Of course.

I can't believe how quickly this month has gone by, and how it's almost Christmas at this point. What an insane month this has been! It's mostly been spent doing school stuff like studying and whatnot, and oy vey, I am ready for that to be over. But now, I have so many Christmas crafts that I'm making, I feel like there just isn't enough time! I'm hoping to get it all done next week when I have no school, but it seems so overwhelming!

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