Sunday, July 28, 2024

The OC County Fair

 Now that we've lived here for nearly 2 years, I thought it was high time we went to the OC County Fair. 

Okay to be fair, we did want to go last year but we ended up catching Covid on the weekend we had tickets, alas. So this was the year! 

We watched pig racing, so cute! 

Obvs I had to get a "crazy shake" ... which wasn't as good as I had hoped, alas. 

Of course gotta snap a pic of the homies.

What a fun time! Can't wait until next year! 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Breaking the Rules

Recently, we've learned that Betty can get onto the top counters in this house. So now, nowhere is safe. Over the last few days, she's eaten an entire pan of turkey casserole, a French pastry, a half a dozen cookies (!!) and a sleeping mask. FREAKING DOG. So when we returned tonight to find yet another thing eaten off the counter, I had to go find her, and lo and behold: 

Yup, just hiding under the bed. Then later, we were trying of fold towels and she was being too too clingy. 

Just inserting herself right into that. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Lady G

 It's been a minute since we've seen some Lady G, so let's see that cutie!

Friday, July 19, 2024

First Trip to the Bowl

 Y'all, today was an event! Months ago, I heard that at the Hollywood Bowl, there was gonna be a Disney concert. Of course I booked tickets immediately. It was supposed to be a 90's throwback spectacular, and I was hype. Husband ended up being out of town for it (a trip to Asia without me, rude!) so I asked my friend Avenue to come with me. We headed up after work, and after having some snacks, found our seats. 

It was so much fun!! Every great song/movie of Disney from the 90's, and singing was encouraged so we all had such a fun time. I can't wait to go back. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Betty Tubis

 It's been a bit since I've done Betty photos, so here we go. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Mini Lego Castle Part 2

 Welp, these smaller Lego sets are so quick at finishing! 

And then had to add it to the other castles. 

The collection is nearly complete! 

Friday, July 5, 2024


 Y'all, Husband is finally turning 40, an old man! (okay shut up that I already turned 40 last year)

  But happy birthday to him! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Moana Flowerpot Lego

 Lego has this new set they've started - I initially did the Isabella one last month or so, and the Moana one was released this month, so of course I had to get it. 

Love it!