Saturday, January 12, 2013

Warmth? Not quite.

I have blogged many many times of my car issues. The car is usually fine and I find no problems with it, except for this one thing that has been going on for years now. The heater/air conditioner in my car rarely works. It does for a while, then it doesn't for a long time. This winter, it's been working steadily..until last weekend. It just stopped. It hasn't worked a lick. And with how cold this winter is, it's been SUPER cold in my car. When I get to my destination, I'm freezing. My hands are like ice. And wearing gloves doesn't really help. My feet get cold, it's almost like my shoes and socks do nothing for me. But, I have persevered. I figure, it's gotta get going soon enough, so I've waited. Finally, yesterday, I took the advice that literally everyone has given me, and took the car into Big O to get looked at. The guys said it probably was just the motor blower, and it would be easy to fix, and for not too much money, either. He said it would be a short amount of time, maybe 20 minutes, so I said I'd run my errands and come back.
After finishing my errands, (about an hour) I returned. He said it was getting worked on now, so I just hung out. After 30 minutes or so, I wondered what the heck was going on. Husband, at this point, had left me there, awaiting my car to be finished. After another thirty minutes (its four at this point, the closing time of Big O) and the guy came over and said that none of the blower motors that they had had fit my car. They measured, and found one at another Big O, and they were waiting for the guy to drive it over, to see if it fit. After another 15 or 20 minutes, the guy called me over to the desk and told me the new arrival didn't fit either. After all this working and waiting, none of them fit. They told me they'd be calling the dealership on Monday, and hopefully they could get one in that day or the next day. I was so disappointed! My car was nowhere closer to being fixed! They also told me that they had taken apart the dashboard, and to make it easier when I came back, they left it apart, and told me not to lose any of the pieces there. I agreed, and went on my way.
On the drive home, it was COLD in the car. The dashboard being missing meant that there's no barrier between the outside and the inside, so the cold air is just blowing right into the car, so the 10 minute drive home left me with ice hands and just chilly. I took a pic, of course.
So now, I wait. I'm not driving the car this weekend if I can help it, and I'll make sure to bundle up when I drive to work on Monday. And I am hoping they'll get the right piece by then!

1 comment:

Maleen said...

That is TERRIBLE! I had cars with heating issues, but usually it meant that the heat would finally get going about the time I arrived somewhere. I remember many chilly drives. I'm so sorry for you and I really hope they can find the right part, and soon.