Friday, September 30, 2016

Foto Friday

Yesterday, I was chilling with Scootch, and taking her pictures. The sun was shining into the room and she was having fun.
She was in the heaven of both sunshines and petting. What a loon dog.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Darth and Gecko

 Look at this little smartie, with his glasses.
 So, more snuggles of these guys, and how dang cute are they?! Gah I want to snuggle them both!
This is my favorite. So Gecko LOVES Darth. He LOVES his big brother so much, so he gets very excited when they do anything together. This here, is his excited face. He's so excited he can't stand it and he looks insane haha.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A Small Note

The other day, Husband's family and we were at their parents house, cleaning it out, doing a massive cleaning. Husband had left his car there that night, since we could just travel back to the house in mine (we had to meet there, with him being at school and everything). The next morning, we went back to pick it up and saw a note on it. Of course, I thought of the worst, that someone was being a jerk about something, or that someone was writing something rude, so I was hesitant to look. Husband picked it up and smiled and then handed it to me. Unfortunately, it had rained that morning, but still, we could read it.
Its hard to read, but, it's a note from his sister! The one in the MTC, the new missionary. She was selected to be in an MTC choir that gets to sing at conference, and they were going to practice at the church across from their parents house (which is where Husband had parked), saw his car and left a note! That was such a nice thing to see, and such a fun thing to have happen.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

This past week, I had some late nights. For those that really know me, you  know that rarely happens, I try as hard as I can to get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep. But I had a friend who needed a babysitter into the late hours, so I stepped up. I had to babysit until 11:30 at night, late enough, but when you factor in school the next morning, I was nervous to do it! But I did it, and the first night wasn't too bad. The day following wasn't too bad either. But then the second night, I could not keep my eyes open. I wasn't even sleeping, but my eyes just kept shutting and just wanted to stay there. Luckily it was only those two nights, and the night after that, I could get my regular amount of sleep, and that was glorious.

Now that it's September, the new crop of shows have started on TV. Now, they started this past week, and already, I am super behind. The thing about it is, I have school during the day, naturally, as does Husband. And then, because his school is so far, he doesn't get home until 7:00. Then with the making and eating of dinner, and homework and whatnot, that doesn't leave a lot of TV time. Which is totally fine, we aren't put on this earth to watch TV, but I definitely just love TV a lot. I watch more than most people, but I enjoy it. I'll figure out a way to watch it all, and if anyone wants to discuss shows with me, just be patient, and wait...a week or so.

Yesterday when I got home from church, there was a truck with a couple of men in it sitting outside my house. They were there when I got home from church. Husband was gone this last weekend, leaving just me in the house for those days. So luckily when I noticed these guys, I had my usual gang of kids over, hanging out. They were there for a bit, as were these guys. They were literally in this truck outside the house for like 2 hours. Finally, someone came from somewhere and off they went, thank goodness. I didn't know what to do. Do you call the cops in this situation? I mean, they were technically not doing anything, but I honestly never know what to do when weird situations crop up. Really, they should teach this in some sort of 'adulting' class.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Hairstylist in Demand

Recently, it was the Homecoming dance for the high school that my young women attend, and the high school my sister in law attends. I was asked by some YW if I could do their makeup. I told them that honestly, I didn't really do makeup that well, but I'm pretty good at styling hair, so I could do that if needed. A few hours before the dance, I got a text requesting to do hair. Of course I said yes. I had a few girls come over, and I got to work. I did a style on one of them that I've been wanting to do on myself, but I can't make elaborate styles work on my own hair. And there was one hairstyle I didn't get on picture (I have a film of it haha) But there they are.

 So this is the one I wanted to do for myself, but I can't get the twists to line up. I like how hers turned out.
This one was super cute - I forgot to get a snap of her front, but she had a braid that led into this high ponytail, and then I liked how the pony curled. 
This is my SIL, I did a crown braid, for the first time ever, and it actually worked out, and she looked so cute with her dress and this hairstyle definitely complimented it.
I was proud of the work I did for all of these girls, and now I know, if people need help with their hair, I can actually do something!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Foto Friday

Today, the world made it possible to figure out what your Patronus would be. (Harry Potter nerds unite!) So of course, I immediately took it. Turns out I am a...
Nightjar. I have no idea what this is. Well, I know it's a bird, I looked that up. But otherwise, I don't know of what good or bad they do to the world. What a singularly boring patronus. Oh well. Still glad that this Hufflepuff gets a Patronus at all, eh?

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Darth and Gecko

 Look at these jokers, posing for pictures. I feel like kids now are better picture takers than when I was a kid, since they have their pictures taken all the time, and can see the immediate results. Definitely different than my childhood, but at least we get good pics.
 I just love how he's holding this toy gun. Not even holding it correctly, but holding it so tight.
Darth loves holding his baby brother. Mostly he likes it because when he does these cute things and says them, people forgive him of his little jerk behavior haha.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

Today, I got into an argument with a fellow student in Ethics. We were talking about the "Trolley Experiment" and we were definitely not in agreement on it. I'm pretty sure he called me a murderer, but oh well, nothing to be done there. I really like how this class makes me think outside my usual box of thinking, which I enjoy, but this kid that I got in a fight with has openly admitted that he has no intention of expanding his mind or thinking in other ways. I feel like that's unfair, in order to experience life, you need to think about it from different views. I'm still having fun, I really enjoy what we've been learning so far.

I'm taking Business Calculus this semester, and we just had our first test. I struggled on it. I'm not doing great in Calculus anyways (and really, I'm not sure why this is necessary for an accounting degree anyway, Calculus isn't a real math, in my opinion) and I did not do well on it. We got our test scores back today, and definitely I can tell you that I did not pass it. This is the first test I've ever had in my whole life that I didn't get at least a B on. I do not like Calculus. And I feel like because I can't see a purpose, I am having troubles learning it, because I just don't see how I could possibly use this garbage in every day life. I just can't wait for this class to be over.

I am so ready for Fall. I can't wait for the colder weather and sweaters and blankets and chill. It had been feeling like Fall for a little bit, but then this week, we are back in the 90's and definitely hating it. I want the cooler weather. Last night I was outside for about an hour, and I got 4 GIANT mosquito bites. Honestly, these bugs must be mutant ones, because these bites are huge and they itch so much, and they are in really weird locations to try and scratch. Oy vey, I can't wait for summer and warm weather to be all officially gone.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Foto Friday

On Labor Day, Husband and I took a break from doing some homework (yeah, basically that's just what I did all weekend long) and went on a small hike up Battle Creek Falls. It was super packed from all the families with the day off, but it was still nice. We snapped a pic at the waterfall.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Darth and Gecko

I'm told that Gecko loves Darth. He just wants to play with his big brother all the time, despite not being able to do much yet, anyway. But I still love it.
 Basically, Gecko is just trying to jump on him, and I am dying with laughter.
 He got incredibly upset when they put him down and wouldn't carry him anymore. Being a small guy is tough.
His new favorite thing is to purse his lips like this and make "ooh" sounds and its so dang cute.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Stamping Along

Tonight was Stamp and Chat, and it was honestly one of the funnest ones I've been to in a long time, everyone was super giggly and we couldn't stop laughing at all that went on. We made super cute cards, of course:
And had some delicious treats. I always mean to take a pic of the treats, but I'm always so busy eating them already! It was a fabulous night, and I hope it's the same next month!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

I accidentally sassed my accounting teacher recently. He had messed up on the homework assignment, adding one that was from a future chapter. But I knew I could figure it out, so I spent like an hour on this one problem, and finally solved it. When I brought it to his attention, he realized his mistake, and then he said that he would take the problem off of the homework for everyone else. That's when I yelled out, "aw hell no!" and told him that no, if I had to do it, everyone had to do it. Of course, I apologized for any disrespect that may have shown, but still. If I have to do it, they all do. 

My sister in law, Fall, is leaving on her mission in 2 days. Her farewell was yesterday, and she gave a lovely talk, despite the fact that the guy who talked with her talked for so long he only left her 5 minutes. 5 minutes?! For a departing missionary?! That was shenanigans, but oh well. She's going to Hong Kong, and I know she'll do an amazing job there. And I'm also sure the time will just fly by, and we'll all be seeing each other again before we know it. 

I'm trying to be better about blogging here, but oh man, I really am struggling with it. School is taking up way too much time, I just don't know how this year will go, if I'm already so swamped with school work. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, what job I want, what major to have...this is all too much to do, sometimes! Wish me luck and shoot me all your good vibes that I can figure out what to do with my life. 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Cards cards everywhere

Today is card swap day, and I really barely got my cards in, I was working almost down to the wire. But they turned out all right, so I thought I would share them.

 Here's my attempt at a sympathy card.
I sure can't get this card to turn, but you get the idea. I can't believe it's almost Halloween! Hopefully this next time I'm going to go ahead and try to get them done in advance, so I'm not stressing out the week before and wishing I wasn't a part of this club ha ha.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Darth and Gecko

We've got some good ones this week, these babies are basically just getting cuter and cuter.
 He's definitely a ginger now, oh no.
 One of his new favorite activities is to scoot on the floor. He'll be walking so soon now.
Basically all the ones I get of Darth lately are just him sleeping. He's running around all the time now.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Here we find ourselves

So, here we are. September has begun. School has started. 3 weeks in, and of course, I have a million things already happening, with the homework between my classes. So, my blogging has of course been on a hiatus of late. I really want to do better on blogging with this new school year, but with these intense classes I've started, I don't know if that's even possible! But I'll try. Let's catch up since we last spoke, after the Color Run. 

Well, it was my birthday, the big 3-3. I had to go to school on the day of, so it wasn't super special, but that's still all right. Husband orchestrated a surprise shindig with my YW (and a few YW) and that was a lot of fun. I probably should have gotten pictures, but alas, my mind was no in the picture mood. Then, lets and homework...and that leads us to today! Let's all have a good school year and I will try hard to be better about blogging, for the no people who read this.