Monday, September 19, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

Today, I got into an argument with a fellow student in Ethics. We were talking about the "Trolley Experiment" and we were definitely not in agreement on it. I'm pretty sure he called me a murderer, but oh well, nothing to be done there. I really like how this class makes me think outside my usual box of thinking, which I enjoy, but this kid that I got in a fight with has openly admitted that he has no intention of expanding his mind or thinking in other ways. I feel like that's unfair, in order to experience life, you need to think about it from different views. I'm still having fun, I really enjoy what we've been learning so far.

I'm taking Business Calculus this semester, and we just had our first test. I struggled on it. I'm not doing great in Calculus anyways (and really, I'm not sure why this is necessary for an accounting degree anyway, Calculus isn't a real math, in my opinion) and I did not do well on it. We got our test scores back today, and definitely I can tell you that I did not pass it. This is the first test I've ever had in my whole life that I didn't get at least a B on. I do not like Calculus. And I feel like because I can't see a purpose, I am having troubles learning it, because I just don't see how I could possibly use this garbage in every day life. I just can't wait for this class to be over.

I am so ready for Fall. I can't wait for the colder weather and sweaters and blankets and chill. It had been feeling like Fall for a little bit, but then this week, we are back in the 90's and definitely hating it. I want the cooler weather. Last night I was outside for about an hour, and I got 4 GIANT mosquito bites. Honestly, these bugs must be mutant ones, because these bites are huge and they itch so much, and they are in really weird locations to try and scratch. Oy vey, I can't wait for summer and warm weather to be all officially gone.

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