Monday, May 23, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday

Here we are again folks, for another session of the only 2 blog entries I write. Listen, though, it’s probably better than nothing.

The McSnailington’s were out in full force this morning, as they have been all week and weekend. I’m really sick of this rain, and having it be cloudy and gross all the time, but when it does become summer, I think I’ll miss having the McSnailington family around each morning as I go out to my car. I secretly want to take a Sharpie marker and write on their shells a letter, so that I can keep them all straight, all the ones I’ve named. But something inside me says that’s probably wrong.

I got really sunburned over the weekend. I didn’t get in my early morning Saturday run, as usual, the morning was a little busy. So I didn’t get my run started until about noon. It was warm, but not overly so, and definitely not hot. My run ended up being about 90 minutes long (so lovely) and by the time I got home, my skin was red. I figured it was just because I was hot and sweaty, but after my shower and a few hours, it was still red and getting redder. I looked lobster-esque by the end of the day. Its not too painful by now, but the good news is that I’ve gotten my sunburn of the year out of the way. Now, I can just be tan!

I have sad news. Mostly for myself. I am going to, as of today, give up sugary and delicious treats. Husband and I have a little bet of sorts, and it was either this, or meat, and while I love my cupcakes and everything of the like, I could so not give up meat. So we’re going to give this a try, and see how well I do. If I crash and burn, well, at least I gave it a good shot. And if I succeed, then I’m a champion. I’ll keep you updated on the whole treat giving up, hopefully I won’t go into sugar withdrawals and start to hallucinate sugary treats dancing around my head all the time.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Foto Friday


I love Mike & Ike’s. They are delicious little candies that are so easy to eat. I have to ration myself from them, otherwise, I just keep popping them into my mouth, without even realizing I’m doing so. So the other day, I made this little box for my M&I’s so that they would be at hand, but if I eat them too quickly, the box is empty and I get sad, so it helps me to control how many of them I eat. I don’t know how exactly, but in my brain, it works, and so far, since I’ve made my box, I’ve eaten them a little slower. The box is made of blue paper. I suck at crafty things, but this seemed to work out well for me. I added the little Toy Story 3 thing to make it a little more festive. I got that off of a cupcake.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday

As I was walking out to my car this morning, I saw at least 10 snails all around the yard/sidewalk. You know what this means?! Edgar has a family! All of his peeps are hanging out with him! I was going to get a picture, but they were all scattered around, and I didn’t want to pick them all up to put them near each other. I know that I’d hate it if I was just hanging out, doing my thing, and some unseen force picked me up and put me next to my friends/family for a picture. What if I’d just spent the last 6 hours getting 1 foot away from them? All my hard work, ruined!

I had a 5K on Saturday, the Provo City 5K/Chase the Mayor. They let the Provo city mayor start the race 1-2 minutes before the rest of us, and you were supposed to get a prize if you passed him. Now let me tell you, when they announced that this was happening, I imagined the mayor to be a stout fella, not in shape, but no, he was in shape, and probably a runner anyway. When I crossed the finish line, I was 4(!) people behind him. I was so close to catching him, I just couldn’t quite get him. Grrrr

I forgot to bring my yogurt to work today. I didn’t even realize until I got to the office. And now I’m sad. I could get some out of the vending machine, but the only kind they have there is blueberry, and blueberries are my least favorite fruit of all. I’m a little sad about it, but I suppose there are worse things going on in the world. But in my world, my heart (and stomach) is a little less full with no yogurt with my breakfast.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday

Good news, all. I found Edgar. I was afraid that I had killed him, accidentally run him over, but today, I made the effort to look for him when I got to my car. I saw him, and Husband picked him up for me. He had crawled all back up into his shell, so we put him back on the grass. We thought that maybe he got back into his shell, panicked that it was no longer cool outside, that the road was getting too warm for him. So we tried to help him out. I’ll keep you updated every time I see him.

I have a change jar/bucket that I’ve had for a while. I’m not exactly sure how long ago I’ve started that, but I’ve faithfully put all my coinage into it. I decided to count it, since I actually have no idea how much money is in there. After about an hour of counting, I reached the final penny. I have $89.31 in there. I’m rich!

Foodles are the best thing ever. I saw them in the store, and thought they were cute, so I got one. I don’t know if anyone has seen these, but they’re little plastic trays in the shape of Mickey. In the face is apple slices, and in the ears are grapes and cheese squares. OMG it is delicious. You can combine the foods for an awesome mix of perfection in your mouth. I recommend them to everyone. I need to go back and get some soon.
