Monday, September 26, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

This past week, I had some late nights. For those that really know me, you  know that rarely happens, I try as hard as I can to get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep. But I had a friend who needed a babysitter into the late hours, so I stepped up. I had to babysit until 11:30 at night, late enough, but when you factor in school the next morning, I was nervous to do it! But I did it, and the first night wasn't too bad. The day following wasn't too bad either. But then the second night, I could not keep my eyes open. I wasn't even sleeping, but my eyes just kept shutting and just wanted to stay there. Luckily it was only those two nights, and the night after that, I could get my regular amount of sleep, and that was glorious.

Now that it's September, the new crop of shows have started on TV. Now, they started this past week, and already, I am super behind. The thing about it is, I have school during the day, naturally, as does Husband. And then, because his school is so far, he doesn't get home until 7:00. Then with the making and eating of dinner, and homework and whatnot, that doesn't leave a lot of TV time. Which is totally fine, we aren't put on this earth to watch TV, but I definitely just love TV a lot. I watch more than most people, but I enjoy it. I'll figure out a way to watch it all, and if anyone wants to discuss shows with me, just be patient, and wait...a week or so.

Yesterday when I got home from church, there was a truck with a couple of men in it sitting outside my house. They were there when I got home from church. Husband was gone this last weekend, leaving just me in the house for those days. So luckily when I noticed these guys, I had my usual gang of kids over, hanging out. They were there for a bit, as were these guys. They were literally in this truck outside the house for like 2 hours. Finally, someone came from somewhere and off they went, thank goodness. I didn't know what to do. Do you call the cops in this situation? I mean, they were technically not doing anything, but I honestly never know what to do when weird situations crop up. Really, they should teach this in some sort of 'adulting' class.

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