Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Ok, everyone. I know it’s been quite a long time since I’ve been on here last. Truth is, there hasn’t been a lot going on, and really, things are kinda boring, so I held off as long as I could. But now there are a few things I could document on here, so let’s get to it.

As I mentioned before, I am now the Assistant Den Leader for the Webelos. I have by now had 1 activity, and 1 Pack meeting. For the activity, the boys all wrestled for like, an hour, then made collages as quickly as humanly possible so they could get back to fighting with each other. Since this is really my first experience hanging out with more than 2 or 3 boys (my nephews, who, compared to this, are really quite tame, who knew?) I was pretty taken aback by all this. And then last night, we had a Pack Meeting (The Blue & Gold Banquet, doesn't that sound fancy?), which apparently happens once a month, and everyone gets together to hand the monthly awards out to the boys, should they have gotten any pins/patches or whatever it is they get. Truthfully, I haven’t learned any of the lingo yet, but I expect to someday. I mean, come on, its still my first month!

Monday was Husband and I’s one year anniversary. That’s right, doubters- we made it to one year of being married! (I don’t know that there are many doubters out there, but if there are, I want to rub this in their face.) We kept it pretty low key, being a weeknight and everything, and went to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner. I cannot express how much I love this place. I’m glad it’s not closer to where I live, or else I would probably eat here once a week. For our gifts, we went in halfsies on a new TV – the one we have is…well, its not small, but for the room we have it in, it’s really hard to see, and it’s really far away from where you sit to watch it. So we got a new 55” TV – we had found one on sale, and decided that was the way to go. So we got it home on Monday, set it up, and holy cow! It’s just so…big! I’m definitely not used to it yet, but it’s really nice to be able to see words on the screen, and able to see the TV completely. I’m still trying to get used to the size of the TV, and I imagine that someday I will. I just can’t wait to watch a soccer game on it.

Speaking of soccer, the season starts this weekend! I am so excited for it. Sadly, we open with an away game, at LA, but I still have high hopes. The team has many new players, which is good, there are a few injuries right now as well. I'm going to hope for a win - I want a win so badly against LA, and to have a win at LA would be even better. I'm sure I'll update everyone here with the game results, so everyone - cross your fingers, toes, and everything else you can for a win for the RSL!

1 comment:

Maleen said...

yay for one year married. That went really quickly. You guys make a great team. And for the record—I never doubted.