Monday, March 19, 2012

Miscellaneous Monday

I am, as I specified yesterday, alone in my house right now. When I’m home alone, I get super paranoid. For example, yesterday I was making soup, and I was boiling the water. I put the water on the stove, and then did laundry. As I was putting some clothes to dry on the line, I heard a noise, but I assumed it was nothing. Then I heard a bigger noise, followed by kind of a clatter, and I thought a murderer was about to break in. I rushed out of the room I was in, and then saw it, the pot was sure a-boiling, and the lid was popping on and off, making the noise. So later, I was upstairs, scrapbooking, and I SWEAR that someone tried to get into the front door. I know that I’m jumpy, but I promise I heard the front door rattle and try to move. So of course, I freak out, and grab the nearest weapon I had – scissors. So I’m sitting upstairs, the scissors in my hand, and I’m like, hysterical – like, tears streaming down my face, being as quiet as I can hysterical. Of course that’s the moment that Husband decided to call, so I answer the phone, whispering, like in case someone can hear me in my house. After a few minutes of being on the phone, I calmed down enough to put down my weapon. After another half hour or so, I could finally go downstairs. I SWEAR someone tried to come in, I swear it.

Despite my surgery last week, I had my first race of the year on Saturday. Don’t worry, safety friends, I asked the doctor before anything happened if it would be ok if I raced. They told me that the swelling would be really bad Thu/Fri, but by Saturday, should be mostly normal, so it was just my comfort level, and it would be a good idea not to run at my full speed. No problem, said I, and planned to make the race. True to their word, my face was really swollen those 2 days, but then Saturday, woke up to a relatively normal face. Huzzah! So I got all dressed in my gear, and off the races for us. (PJ and I) PJ took this picture of me before the race.

My face looks a little weird, but that’s because it hurt to smile. I did what I could. The race was fun, we ran pretty slowly, and I finished with relatively no pain, yay! It was so cold though, the wind was against us for half of the race. Curse you wind! But now, every race from here on out can only be better, so I’m excited by that. You'll notice my shirt is customized for Team Vieve. Whoever wants to join my team, can. I can't guarantee shirts, but I love my Team Vieve shirt, it was made by my sister. The back part is:

Since I love cupcakes, of course the back of this is perfect. So, really, lets get everyone on #TeamVieve. All you have to do is, after you do something great, say "Team Vieve!" and you'll be part of the club!


Maleen said...

What? No time or anything? How are we supposed to know whether you get better this year? Come on...a little insider knowledge please.

Chelle! said...

YEAH!!! Team Vieve!!!! Good job. I am glad that you are feeling better!!