Monday, January 9, 2012

Miscellaneous Monday

Well, readers, it happened. Finally, I got sick. Husband has been sick for, oh, say, 6 months or so (ok, it probably isn’t quite that long, but holy cow does it feel like it sometimes) so its about time I got it. Plus I’ve seen everyone around me catch it, so I guess I could participate in the cold as well. It was an odd cold too, it like, came and went. The Thursday before the new year, I had a sore throat. Then I was good until the following Sunday, when I thought all day that I might die. Maybe not that extreme, but I didn’t feel well, and my body was dying, it seemed. Then I felt ok for the next two days, and then Wednesday, it returned with a vengeance. I had a headache, and my sinuses were all hurty, and I had the runny/stuffy nose, a cough, everything. I did not care for it at all. But slowly, my body has been healing, and today, I feel ok. My sinuses are better, nose is back to normal, and my body aches have gone away. The only thing I’ve held onto so far, is the cough. It is still here, and its actually worse now than it has been. I don’t understand that, but ok. Basically, I’m on a steady stream of cough drops right now. I’m trying to keep hydrated, and all that, but the only thing stopping the coughing is to have a drop in my mouth. I feel bad for Chelle, actually, because she has to sit next to me at work, but I’m trying to keep it under control! Luckily for me, my cough drops have inspirational sayings in them! “Go for it!” “You got it!” “March Forward!” that sort of thing. Its very nice to hear that from the drops.

As I have blogged of late, I am becoming slightly more crafty. Not that much, I’m not really very good at it, but I’m trying my best, and I’ve gotten a little better at it. So far, most of my creative juices have gone towards my scrapbooking, but I recently decorated a box, for a gift for a friend for Christmas. (I know it’s weeks after Christmas, but there’s a reason for it that lets me off the hook!) So I pulled all my resources together (and by this I mean, I finally got my nerve up to do it) and made my box. I watched a little tutorial on YouTube of a girl putting it together, and she told me the sizes of all the pieces of paper I needed as she went, and explained some of what she did. I didn’t do what she did, but I still put it together on my own, and I feel pretty good about that. So in case you wanted to see it too, here it is:

CardsI like it!

Last night when I was working on the ol’ scrapbook, I was stamping some letters. After I’d finished, I took my stamps to be washed in the sink. I had many of them in my hand, and as I was cleaning them, I thought maybe one had slipped out of my hand, but when I looked down, I didn’t see any in my sink, so I wasn’t entirely sure of it. As I was putting the stamps back on the sheet, I noticed my T was gone, so of course, I knew right where to go for it. I went to the sink, and since I didn’t see it, I took the water-stopper out, and ta-daaa! There it was, right down the sink where I couldn’t reach it. So I tried a bobby pin, but it wasn’t long enough. I grabbed the longest thing I could see – Husband’s comb. *Technically, it used to be my comb, but after we got married, he started using it, and got all of his hair junk in it, so now I don’t use it anymore. I have to use a different one, that I don’t really like, and doesn’t do my purpose very well.* So I put the handle in the sink, and after some digging around, it came out! Huzzah! Of course, I did the right thing, and cleaned off the comb when I was done, because I am nice. And then I had to clean off the stamp, because my sink is apparently disgusting. But at least I got it back!


Today, Chelle brought me these muffins to work today:


I don’t really have a story about them, but I thought it was pretty nice, and wanted to share. They were pumpkin chocolate chip, and so delicious!


Maleen said...

Good for you with the comb. I always have to take my sink apart to get things out.

Chelle! said...

Oh...I want an adorable box of cards. Oh, I loves those pumpkin muffins. So delicious!!