Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mock Nuggets

On Monday, we had Meatless Monday again. We’re not as diligent in this as we’d like, we only do it like, every two or three weeks, but this week, I was like, lets do this! We decided on vegetarian chicken nuggets, since we had the veggie burgers last time. So at the store, a while ago, we had bought these:

because I thought they’d be a good idea. I like the veggie burgers that this company provides,so I assumed all of their stuff is delicious. No, I was wrong. These nuggets tasted really awful. They didn’t taste anything like chicken, they didn’t really taste like any kind of meat. There was a slight fish taste to them, which I thought was weird. I even tried it with different sauces. to see if that could help. I tried ranch dressing, I tried barbecue sauce. And while it did mask the taste a little, they still tasted awful. But I soldiered through it, I thought, I guess this is just what it’s like to be a vegetarian, you don’t really get to eat good food. (ha!) So we finish the meal, and I ask Husband how he liked the nuggets, and he didn’t like them, either. So, way to go, nuggets, you made everyone sad. At least now I know how they taste, so I’ll never have to wonder again. Also, I’ll never have to eat these again, so that’s another excitement. And, since Monday was National Pie Day (which I thought happened in March, but I read on MSN that it was Monday, so…) I got myself a slice of Key Lime Pie to celebrate, and to wash out the taste of the mock nuggets.

And that, my friends, was delicious.


Chelle! said...

I am pretty sure that I would have gagged eating the chicken (not so) nuggets. But...that pie looks simply divine!!! So Jealous!

Maleen said...

Eew, but I saw on FB how nuggets are made, so I am almost willing to try the vegetarian ones.

Key lime...yum.