Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Miscellaneous Monday…Just a Day Late…

I’m fully aware that I could make each of these their own blog entry, but really, that’s more commitment than I’m looking for right now. So here we go.

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone had a good holiday. Mine wasn’t too shabby, so that’s always a plus. Husband took me to Disneyland as my present this year, and of course, it was fun as always. It was SUPER busy though, but I’m pretty good at knowing how to skirt around the busy parts. It involves patience, and a desire to truly do everything that Disneyland has to offer. (Which includes seeing Captain EO – amazing 80’s work!) We did every ride at least once, and some twice. I love all the rides, but Husband has a hard time with anything that goes up and down, so Tower of Terror was not a good ride for him. I took pictures of the pictures they took of us, so while they’re not the best quality, they are pretty funny.

Tower1  Tower2

I really hope you can see his face in those, because it is magnificent. The one on the left is the first time we rode it, and as you can see (he’s in the second row, the farthest on the left in the gray shirt) he is so not happy. In the second photo (In which he’s in the front row, furthest on the left in the RSL jacket), he went for a more “If I don’t believe I’m on the Tower of Terror, everything will be ok”. Don’t ask me what my face is doing in these photos, my ideas didn’t really pan out. In one of the times we went on Space Mountain, we had a little girl that was a first-timer, and her face alone makes our picture priceless:

Space She’s in the front row, as I’m sure you can tell. I died laughing at her face. But all in all, a good trip, I enjoyed the good times.

Yesterday afternoon, I was coming into the house after taking out the garbage. As I was entering the house, I turned to look at my shoes, making sure I wasn’t dragging anything in with me. As I turned my head and took a step into the house (And I will not know how I did this until the day I die) I somehow managed to smash my head right into the mantle. Of course, my New Years Resolution not to swear kind of took a back seat at the moment, as the surprise and severe pain I was in all of a sudden took over my brain, and I may have let loose a string of profanities while slamming the door shut. I went and looked at my head ASAP, and yup, a tiny dent in my forehead where I hit. It didn’t bleed all that much, just a little, but man did it hurt. The rest of the night I kept my eye on it, but luckily, it never got swollen. Now there’s just a tiny hole/scab where I hit, and it hurts to make facial expressions or if I try to brush my hair out of my face. Gah I’m an idiot.

The other day I came across a news article that talks about a guy who was accidentally texted, and kept it going, and it was just so funny. Read it here if you’d like. Anyway, then it links to his blog, to the specific posts that he wrote about these texts. Read the first entry here, and laugh. And then read the follow up, Part 2, here.  And if you have time, read his fake blog for mommies, here. You’ll get the explanation about the mommy blog in the Part 2 blog, and it’s still just hysterical. I hope you guys like it as much as I do.

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