Monday, May 8, 2017

Jazz Game

Today is the 4th game of the playoffs for the Jazz v Warriors. Now, I'm not usually into basketball, but this morning I got a phone call from a guy in our ward, offering us tickets to tonight's game. His work gave them to him, but nobody in his family could use them. Uhhh...yes please! Now, knowing that the Jazz are down 3-0 in the series, I didn't have high hopes for a win, but I was still going to have a good time. When we got there, there were shirts on everyone's chairs, so that we could all wear the colors of the team. Good enough for me, I put on my XL shirt, so did Husband. We snapped a pic, of course.

It was sad to watch the Jazz lose, but it was still a good game, and I am grateful to Bro L for giving us our tickets. Go, team, go!

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