Thursday, August 4, 2011

It’s Arts and Crafts Time

Lately, I’ve been quite busy. For my sisters birthday, I gave her a little photo book/scrapbooky thing that I had made. It took a while to make, to find the best pictures, to match the best background paper to the picture, etc. When it was finished, I was a little proud of myself. I’d never done anything like this, but I finally attempted it, and at least I finished. The only creative thing I’ve done is just the cards – which I’m given instructions on, and have a card that’s already made that I get to look at the whole time, to see what I’m doing as I do it.

I was so proud of myself for getting that done that I made another one – but a bigger one. I wanted to do the same thing for PJ for her birthday, but instead of the accordion book I did for my sister I did a full-on book, with many pages, and all of them to be decorated. This book actually almost put me over the edge – there was just so much to be done with this one, but since I was a little more experienced with this book than the last, I felt a little better about it. It did take a lot of work this time around, but when I finished, the feeling of accomplishment was awesome.

Riding that wave of accomplishment, I decided to tackle another project, this one for myself. I had ordered a cube, to put pictures on. I had chosen to put pictures of myself and Husband on them. After much deliberation over pictures, colors, etc, and about 2 weeks of fretting, I finally got the pictures on there. I brought it to work to have Chelle help me with it. While I’m getting better at doing crafty things, I’m still nowhere near the level that Chelle is with all of this. She helped me put some great finishing touches on it, stuff for texture and just general cuteness to it. At the end of all of it, it looks like:


And there it is. Now that I’m done with it, I’m quite proud of it. It took a lot of work, and many, many papercuts/stamped fingers and gluing of my fingers to stuff, but now that its done, I really like it. I’m displaying the heck out of it on my desk. That was actually probably a good thing too, because until today, I had no pictures of Husband and myself. But now, I have many!


Maleen said...

Well done. I needed an excuse to stop by. Now I will have to come and see the cube.

Chelle! said...

Aw...this is absolutely adorable!!!